Welcome to my project page!
My main goal is to improve my skills and explore new technologies.
Interactive games
As a proud participant at Unsane Interactive, I collaborate on developing interactive games. My focus is on creating engaging and immersive game environments through 3D modeling, storytelling, game design, and Visual Effects.
3D Worlds
With the use of Blender, Unity and Adobe Creative Cloud, I create immersive and interactive worlds.

AR architecture view
This project allows clients to visualize their chosen building in a real-world environment before committing to it. By using augmented reality, users can see a full-scale 3D model of the building in the location they plan to use and see a smaller 3D model of the building with the desired layout. This immersive experience helps clients assess how the building fits within the environment and provides a clear view of its design, ensuring it aligns with their needs and expectations.
3D Models

Accessible bus shelters
During this graduation project, Robin Appeldoorn conducted research on making current bus shelters more accessible.
There are still many bus stops that do not meet accessibility and inclusivity standards. This can make it difficult for people with disabilities or other mobility challenges to use public transportation, limiting their daily activities and overall independence.
The goal of this project is to make public transportation more accessible for everyone who faces challenges with independent travel. The focus is on improving accessibility for bus travel, specifically at bus stops. The primary consideration is for individuals with physical, visual, and digital impairments, including those with low literacy levels.